What is Binge eating?
Binge eating features eating a very large amount of food within a relatively short period of time usually within 1-2 hours. During this episode, they will feel a loss of control over their eating habits and may not be able to stop even if they want to. Sometimes a person with BED will often have a range of identifiable eating habits such as eating when they are not hungry and continuing to eat even when they are already full.
Binge eating is a devastating psychological disease that can be deadly because it often results in obesity. but the reason for BED varies from person to person, sometimes a combination of social and cultural factors causes a person to binge eat.
A person with binge eating disorder is just likely to be in normal weight. One can recognize a person with binge eating disorder because of these behavioral signs and symptoms:
- Eating large quantity of food
- Non-stop eating even when full
- Hoarding Food
- Often eating in the absence of others
And sometimes binge eating disorder can be characterized by emotional symptoms:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Guilt and shame after binge eating
But What Causes Binge Eating?
The exact causes of this are unclear. A psychological and emotional characteristic may contribute to this condition wherein a person may have trouble controlling her emotions and impulsive behaviors.
Binge eating disorder is a very serious disorder, particularly if it is accompanied by co-occurring disorders like anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders. It leads to a wide variety of physical, emotional and social problems. You're more likely to suffer health issues, stress, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts.
Tips on How to Recover from Binge eating
- Focus on what you're eating- Avoid fatty and sugary foods
- Eat regularly- A balanced diet gives your body the nutrients to function properly.
- Find better ways to feed your feelings
- Support yourself with healthy lifestyle habits- Avoid alcoholic beverages
- Avoid Cravings
- Make time for regular exercise
- Get enough sleep overnight- Make sure to get an 8 hour sleep per day
source: Timberknolls
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