They said that the dead still walks among us. But have you ever experienced a time when a loved one appeared in your dream as if they are conveying something or just visiting you? These dreams look vivid and hyper-realistic to the point that you think it might be really happening. These are commonly known as Visitation Dreams.
What is a Visitation Dream?
A hyper-intensive dream where a deceased soul or loved one visits you in a dream is called a Visitation Dream. Some may disregard the dream as nothing special, but those who are open and not fearful of the experience can find answers, closure or insight to that soul.
Dreaming lets you access your subconscious and unconscious parts of your brain. And you have access to other levels of memory and emotion than you have during your waking hours. Sometimes, a dream is just a memory you had with your loved one.
Here are the possible reasons why your deceased loved ones appear in your dreams:
1. To convey a message
2. To offer protection, warning or guidance.
3. To notify the people they left that their soul is okay and made it to the other side.
4. To resolve an unfinished business during their life time
5. To ask for forgiveness
In your dreams, sometimes your deceased loved one can communicate by speaking to you. You may hear their voice of just get the sense of what they are saying. Being open to visitations dreams during the sleeping, progresses you to having signs and signals from past loved one during the waking state.
It is still up to you how to find answers and and only you can interpret the meaning of your dream.
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